Accu-Chek Insulin Pump, Online Training

This ambitious medical training program for an insulin pump was the first of its kind. It was the primary source of instruction for patients and provided helpful tools for training personnel. This consisted of a medical digital portal complete with a sophisticated account management portal capable of complying with a very intricate set of strict HIPAA regulations, and within an extremely aggressive time-line. I lead the design team, the experienc and creative vision. My role included leading the interaction design, directing the photo shoot, as well as collaborating and providing direction for the information architecture team. I was also actively involved with resource, budget and overall scope management.
eLearning Portal
(Design Lead. Supervised a team of 1 designer, 1 IA, 1 illustrator + 1 FE dev)
Accu-Chek/Disetronic (via Stonearch Creative)